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Zing – An attack on payments or a subtle shift?

HSBC’s January launch of Zing, an e-money institution and standalone money transfer app, is something of a strategic departure for the global banking behemoth for a number of reasons.

What it may imply for the bank strategically and what it signals for the future of international money transfers, fees, and product development are all valid questions. The true motivations behind the launch are likely more nuanced than may seem likely at first glance or that the bank may have you believe.

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Commercial cards in a post-COVID world

The Payments Association’s recently issued report, Navigating the New Opportunities for Corporate Cards, takes a close look at the world of corporate card payments, finding that there is much to do to make them as seamless as personal payments or even those for small businesses, but that there are innovative FinTechs who are solving the specific problems of making payments in a business setting.

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Mobile: Payments’ New Best Friend

Join us in this insightful webinar, with a range of experts in the mobile payments, cards and risk space, to learn how payments are changing, and how mobile applications can help strengthen authentication and improve your customer experience – all at the same time.

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How Okay Can Help with PSD2 RTS SCA Compliance

Compliance, requirements, deadlines, oh my! By now you should have a comprehensive overview of what to be aware of as PSP. As such, it is time to wrap up the topic of SCA compliance. In this article, we cover how Okay uses security evaluations to fine-tune our product as well as how we can help you meet SCA PSD2 RTS compliance standards.

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How Virtual IBANs Enhance the Growth of B2B Cross-Border E-commerce Businesses

One of the more vexing problems of the modern age when it comes to international business is that regulatory regimes often do not keep pace with technological innovation.

Nonetheless, novel solutions to B2B cross-border business have emerged in the form of virtual IBANs, financial instruments that drive the innovation economy and enable new, powerful business models.

Here we have outlined three ways that virtual IBANs are transforming the way companies do business locally and abroad:

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KYC Done Right Means Competitiveness and Business Growth

When it comes to digital banking and compliance, robust KYC practices not only prevent fraud and financial losses but also strengthen a firm’s ability to conduct business with confidence.

This is typically because of the four key elements of strong KYC practices that make sure firms know who they’re doing business with and what to expect from that relationship.

We’ve identified the four essential elements of effective compliance in KYC practices for digital banking in order to show you how they help improve the competitiveness of businesses of any size or scale:

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Driving Forces and Technology Trends Behind Fintech Innovations in 2021

The year 2020 saw many of the innovations and prognostications of analysts come true as contactless payments and digital banking solutions drove the field of Fintech innovations. Looking ahead, however, 2021 could be the year that consolidates much of this growth and prepares the economy for the next stage of digitization.

We at Monneo have identified five major trends that we think are driving the Fintech innovations in digital banking, in 2021 and beyond:

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The New Era of Custom Business Payment Solutions and the Impact on Digital Banking Services

The digital banking era is upending traditional payment solutions and transforming the global financial industry in the process. And this is on both the corporate and consumer level with changes in payments solutions reaching into every facet of the international economy.

These innovations in digital banking are not only enabling increased efficiencies and expediting capital flows at a rate previously unthinkable but also are leading the way in changing the dynamic and level of depth of the business-customer relationship.

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Re-enrollment, Customer Onboarding and Magic Links

The reason why re-enrollment is so sensitive is simple: when you do an app-based strong customer authentication (SCA), the user has already been authenticated on the device. This means that it is possible to check the ‘possession’ factor using a device fingerprint from before.

If a customer has a new device, and has an existing device registered to their account, we recommend using SCA to enroll. A typical way to do this would be to use a QR code that the user can scan from one device to another. In the case where there are no existing devices linked to an account, we recommend that the customer go through a full “know your customer” (KYC) procedure in order to re-enroll their new device.

One of the ways we’ve helped our customers strengthen their re-enrollment process is to implement a mechanism known as ‘magic link’. A magic link is a link received through a semi-secure channel that authorises the customer to use a particular device. Using a link like this can be practical, as the re-enrollment procedure might be stretched out over time.

Interested in hearing more about Magic Links? Be sure to read the full article at

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What Makes Successful Businesses Thrive in the E-commerce Space, Too?

The recipe for success in the e-commerce business is much the same as any other entrepreneurial endeavor except it comes with many opportunities for growth and leverage that physical businesses don’t have.

Online business may be the future of many markets, and for good reason. From scalability of immediately needed resources to cost-effective innovation and optimization, we have identified five key elements of success for e-commerce business in the modern age:

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How to Secure Your E-commerce Business Against Cybercrime and Cyber Threats?

E-commerce businesses can’t put enough of a premium on online cybersecurity and protection against threats. Not only can malicious actors steal data and commit fraud, but they can also completely undermine a customer’s confidence in your business.

To avoid costly fraud and cyber threats, we’ve found five primary areas of focus that e-commerce businesses need to keep in mind as they move forward in the online market:

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Strong Customer Authentication or SCA: is Europe 3D secure (2.0)-Ready?

As part of a European Union mandate called the Revised Directive on Payment Services, or (PSD2), merchants operating in the EU economic zone must use payment service providers within the European Economic Area that offer what is known as strong customer authentication.

This is also sometimes referred to as the SCA requirement or the PSD2 compliance. In essence, this directive ensures that transactions occurring within the EU’s economic territories make use of multi-factor authentication in order to verify a buyer’s identity.

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Challenges and Opportunities Borne by the European Single Digital Market

The promises of the European Union single market, while not full borne out in the reality of the business world, where the same are actually still far from the dream promised when it comes to the virtual single market. What does this mean?

In other words, the European Union might act as a single market when it comes to monetary issues and beyond, but the EU single digital market is hampered and its growth restricted by a myriad of factors including various compliance regimes and the logistical mastery needed to make it all work.

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Remote Dial as a Fallback for PSD2 SCA

If your goal is to service the largest percentage of market users, respect must be given across all accessibility levels. But what is a reliable solution for non-smartphone users? In this post, we review our remote dial option as a reliable PSD2 SCA fallback.

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The Future is Frictionless: Customers Care About Shopping, Not Payments

Okay wants to make the payment process as smooth as possible, specifically when it comes to customer authentication. While this is just one part of the payment process that can introduce friction, it is often where checkout abandonment occurs. In this post, we’ll try to describe some of the options that we’ve seen in the market regarding frictionless payments, including their strengths and weaknesses.

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B2B Cross-Border Payments and Virtual IBANs: What’s the Common Benefit for Businesses?

One of the great innovations of the modern age is the ability of eCommerce to connect businesses, merchants, and consumers all across the world. Not only has this opened up new opportunities for businesses and consumers alike, but also it has expanded the realm of what is possible for small and medium enterprises on the global stage. And here we start with the interesting part of the current topic.

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What 2021 Will Bring to the Global Payments Industry

The global economy is expected to begin the process of recovery from the 2020 pandemic throughout 2021 and an integral part of that will be the payments industry as well as virtual IBANs and digital banking.

Analysts see five major trends on the horizon for 2021 in how things will change for the payments industry and digital banking services including enhanced automation to more robust identity verification as well as an authentication technology.

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What’s New in the EU Single Digital Market Arena?

Now, in 2021, and with the Brexit negotiations in their rearview mirror, the EU market is looking to digital banking solutions to help address problems of inequality, sustainability, and supporting a circular economy.

Indeed, the future of the market in Europe is not only digital but digital banking, in particular, will play a huge role in bringing about the social transformations and member-state cohesion needed to build economic resilience and growth for the future.

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Corporate Banking Digitalization in Process: Trends and Driving Forces

What are some of the major forces driving the corporate banking digitization process? What are the factors and trends behind some of the most seismic moves in recent years in this otherwise quite conservative industry? What are the main key-topics we should have on our radar in order to stay ahead of our business competitors and be the first to learn what would be the next
“big thing”?

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Digital Payments: What’s the Next Big Thing?

Not only is the extension of digital banking services and digital payments solutions integral to the growth of mobile and online marketplaces, but also it is central to the monetary revolution taking place right now with cryptocurrencies and the rise of a cashless economy. We have identified three major movements in digital banking that could shape how the next several years play out, from enhanced payments processing to the integration of new consumer blocks into the financial system.

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Beam partners with Nuapay to enable Open Banking ecommerce payments for WooCommerce merchants

Beam launches new service, to bring instant and secure payments to WooCommerce merchants via Open Banking. Leveraging Nuapay’s payments platform, Beam is aiming to help UK businesses save £100k over the next year.

The partnership enables Beam to provide Open Banking payments to its clients on WooCommerce – the open-source e-commerce plugin for WordPress – bringing online and omnichannel retailers the benefits of faster, more secure and cost-efficient payments.

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