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The global fintech race

London, New York, and Silicon Valley are known as the top three biggest fintech hubs, globally. With the number of private high-growth UK fintech’s based in London alone continuing to steadily increase from 847 in July 2021, it’s easy to understand why the West is viewed as more technologically forward. For many years it has comfortably led the race when it comes to reaching peak financial technological advancements. 

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PXP Financial and DaoPay announce their long-term strategic partnership to deliver enhanced payment services across Europe

• Customers will benefit from an enhanced card acquiring service at launch, and an alternative payment method (APM) aggregation service throughout Europe later this year.
• For customers, this means getting all services related to acquiring – from accepting card payments or APMs to receiving money from a single source, as well as access to 100+ payment methods, including mobile and patented phone-based payment solutions.
• As a result, administrative efforts will be reduced to a minimum, and customers will benefit from greater flexibility and less friction in the payment process.
• The new joint solution will give customers access to acquiring service for greater flexibility and less friction in the payment process.

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Banking Circle ecosystem cuts environmental impact for its Money20/20 Europe stand

Building on the success of its first sustainable stand in 2021, a recycled and recyclable stand has been designed for the Banking Circle ecosystem at Money20/20 Europe. Featuring every part of the ecosystem – Banking Circle S.A., YouLend, Biller, SEPAexpress and B4B Payments, every element of the stand, except the lighting feature, has been created using recycled materials.

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SCA Standards & Regulations Across the Globe

SCA, or Strong Customer Authentication, is not a topic exclusive to the EU (or the PSD2, for that matter). Today, we can see it popping up in financial conversations across the globe. And even though global SCA regulations all share the same stigma of ‘expensive’ and ‘inconvenient’, the need to implement SCA and increase the security level of our authentication systems is as relevant and urgent as ever before. Read on to see what is brewing in the world of payment authentication across the US, Asia, Europe and the Nordics.

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New Marqeta research: How consumers are engaging with Lending 3.0

Last week during Money 20/20, we released our new report “Seeking out the alternatives: how consumers are engaging with the lending 3.0 landscape”, which details European consumer attitudes to and experiences of lending. We surveyed 2,000 European consumers, conducted in partnership with Propeller Insights, to learn about consumer preferences when it comes to lending.

Our report found that consumers are frustrated with the lending industry with 70% of consumers surveyed saying that the experience of getting a loan is a decade behind online banking. They also noted that they want more clarity from lenders, with 75% of respondents saying they “switch off” when prospective lenders use industry jargon and 80% believing that lenders try to obscure the final cost of a loan.

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We use an auto-login link to ensure optimum security for your members hub. Simply enter your professional work e-mail address into the input area and you’ll receive a link to directly access your account.

First things first

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Still not receiving your auto-login link?

Instead of using passwords, we e-mail you a link to log in to the site. This allows us to automatically verify you and apply member benefits based on your e-mail domain name.

Please click the button below which relates to the issue you’re having.

I didn't receive an e-mail

Tip: Check your spam

Sometimes our e-mails end up in spam. Make sure to check your spam folder for e-mails from The Payments Association

Tip: Check “other” tabs

Most modern e-mail clients now separate e-mails into different tabs. For example, Outlook has an “Other” tab, and Gmail has tabs for different types of e-mails, such as promotional.

Tip: Click the link within 60 minutes

For security reasons the link will expire after 60 minutes. Try submitting the login form again and wait a few seconds for the e-mail to arrive.

Tip: Only click once

The link will only work one time – once it’s been clicked, the link won’t log you in again. Instead, you’ll need to go back to the login screen and generate a new link.

Tip: Delete old login e-mails

Make sure you’re clicking the link on the most recent e-mail that’s been sent to you. We recommend deleting the e-mail once you’ve clicked the link.

Tip: Check your security policies

Some security systems will automatically click on links in e-mails to check for phishing, malware, viruses and other malicious threats. If these have been clicked, it won’t work when you try to click on the link.

Need to change your e-mail address?

For security reasons, e-mail address changes can only be complete by your Member Engagement Manager. Please contact the team directly for further help.

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