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Financial wellbeing Open Banking FinTech, Ordo, partners with Global IT systems integrator, CGI, to help energy company, PFP, make communities better

Ordo is on a mission to make paying and getting paid easy, helping everyone control their finances, from large enterprises to small businesses and consumers. Using Open Banking technology, Ordo has digitised the process from buying goods or a service, invoicing, payment, reconciliation and confirmation to make it seamless for business and easy for payers.
Ordo has partnered with CGI, independent IT and business consulting services firm delivering an end-to-end portfolio of capabilities, from strategic IT and business consulting to systems integration, managed IT and business process services and intellectual property solutions.
Together they helped PFP energy, a not-for-profit energy company, or as they like to call it ‘Profit for Purpose’….a partnership with that warm fuzzy feeling.

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Blog Posts

What is payment initiation, and what is it good for?

Payment initiation is a new type of payment method made possible with open banking. Essentially, it works by letting customers connect to their banks and authorise a payment directly from their accounts. Here’s what that looks like, and what advantages it brings compared to other payment options.

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Blog Posts

Moneyou deploys Konsentus Verify to be fully PSD2 compliant and satisfy the Dutch National Bank (DNB)

Moneyou saw PSD2 as a key enabler of innovative banking services and planned to exploit all aspects of the new regulations to provide both market-leading functionality and value to their growing user base. Moneyou needed to find a way to build a compliant solution with minimum effort and impact on their systems and identified Konsentus as being the ideal partner to achieve this.

Click here to read the full article: https://www.konsentus.com/case-studies/moneyou-case-study/

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Blog Posts

What Makes Successful Businesses Thrive in the E-commerce Space, Too?

The recipe for success in the e-commerce business is much the same as any other entrepreneurial endeavor except it comes with many opportunities for growth and leverage that physical businesses don’t have.

Online business may be the future of many markets, and for good reason. From scalability of immediately needed resources to cost-effective innovation and optimization, we have identified five key elements of success for e-commerce business in the modern age:

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Blog Posts

How to Secure Your E-commerce Business Against Cybercrime and Cyber Threats?

E-commerce businesses can’t put enough of a premium on online cybersecurity and protection against threats. Not only can malicious actors steal data and commit fraud, but they can also completely undermine a customer’s confidence in your business.

To avoid costly fraud and cyber threats, we’ve found five primary areas of focus that e-commerce businesses need to keep in mind as they move forward in the online market:

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Member benefits include free tickets, discounts to more tickets, elevated brand visibility and more. Sign in to book tickets and find out more.


Log in to access complimentary passes or discounts and access exclusive content as part of your membership. An auto-login link will be sent directly to your email.

Having trouble signing?

We use an auto-login link to ensure optimum security for your members hub. Simply enter your professional work e-mail address into the input area and you’ll receive a link to directly access your account.

First things first

Have you set up your Member account yet? If not, click here to do so.

Still not receiving your auto-login link?

Instead of using passwords, we e-mail you a link to log in to the site. This allows us to automatically verify you and apply member benefits based on your e-mail domain name.

Please click the button below which relates to the issue you’re having.

I didn't receive an e-mail

Tip: Check your spam

Sometimes our e-mails end up in spam. Make sure to check your spam folder for e-mails from The Payments Association

Tip: Check “other” tabs

Most modern e-mail clients now separate e-mails into different tabs. For example, Outlook has an “Other” tab, and Gmail has tabs for different types of e-mails, such as promotional.

Tip: Click the link within 60 minutes

For security reasons the link will expire after 60 minutes. Try submitting the login form again and wait a few seconds for the e-mail to arrive.

Tip: Only click once

The link will only work one time – once it’s been clicked, the link won’t log you in again. Instead, you’ll need to go back to the login screen and generate a new link.

Tip: Delete old login e-mails

Make sure you’re clicking the link on the most recent e-mail that’s been sent to you. We recommend deleting the e-mail once you’ve clicked the link.

Tip: Check your security policies

Some security systems will automatically click on links in e-mails to check for phishing, malware, viruses and other malicious threats. If these have been clicked, it won’t work when you try to click on the link.

Need to change your e-mail address?

For security reasons, e-mail address changes can only be complete by your Member Engagement Manager. Please contact the team directly for further help.

Still got a question?