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TagNitecrest are pleased to announce that Leeroy Pye has been appointed as new CEO.
TagNitecrest is a joint venture between Tag Systems, Europe’s leading smart card and mobile payment solutions provider, and Nitecrest, a specialist Prepaid and Fintech led company focusing on payment card production, and state-of-the-art bureau services Europe wide.
TagNitecrest’s offering is centred around flexibility and under the new CEO’s stewardship also report a surge in new client acquisition from card issuing banks and prepaid card based companies.
Leeroy Pye ‘There has been a huge increase in demand across the card support services industry recently and at TagNitecrest we have found ourselves in pole position with new client acquisition. TagNitecrest are able to eliminate the pain points that clients have experienced elsewhere and can manufacturer and fulfil card orders with unrivalled lead times’
‘TagNitecrest are also offering game changing supply chain technology to support all our customers in the prepaid and card issuing domain’ Leeroy added.