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Industry News

Chargeback Reversal Rate of Just 10% Could Deal Fatal Blow to Travel Merchants Post-Covid, New Study Finds

A fascinating new report, Fraud and Chargebacks in Travel, has been launched by merchant dispute specialist Chargebacks911, in conjunction with industry thought leader and travel research firm, Airline Information. It offers merchants a thought-provoking look at the substantial scale of the challenge that chargebacks present to the industry and proposes solutions for mitigating chargeback threats and payment fraud events.

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Industry News

Dear Luc: With the contactless limit increasing to £100, why are people so divided?

Contactless card payments have boomed since the onset of Covid-19 and 15 October marked yet another milestone with shoppers able to spend £100 per transaction with a tap of their card.

In this Dear Luc article, Luc Gueriane discusses why are people so divided about the £100 contactless limit?

Head over to Fintech Futures to read the full article: https://www.fintechfutures.com/2021/10/dear-luc-why-are-people-so-divided-about-the-100-contactless-limit/

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Industry News


Radar Payments launches a standalone service for tipping and gratuity that can be deployed by financial institutions to help reward hospitality staff and other workers for their services.
Banks can use Tippay™ as a standalone app available in their business client outlets and to partners for more tipping convenience. The service enables banks to reach new potential customers while generating additional revenues by taking a minimal fee on every tip registered.

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Industry News

Gain The Lead: How Fintech Leaders Can Cultivate Ownership Culture in a Rapid Growth Environment

As a fintech leader, what does ownership mean to you?

It’s a prominent topic these days, especially as payment providers (and the broader fintech industry) shift to remote settings and home offices. Leaders and employees must adapt during times of change. Encouraging and proliferating ownership was already difficult before this seismic shift. Now it’s an even taller task.

Are your employees taking ownership over their responsibilities and designated projects?

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Log in to access complimentary passes or discounts and access exclusive content as part of your membership. An auto-login link will be sent directly to your email.

Having trouble signing?

We use an auto-login link to ensure optimum security for your members hub. Simply enter your professional work e-mail address into the input area and you’ll receive a link to directly access your account.

First things first

Have you set up your Member account yet? If not, click here to do so.

Still not receiving your auto-login link?

Instead of using passwords, we e-mail you a link to log in to the site. This allows us to automatically verify you and apply member benefits based on your e-mail domain name.

Please click the button below which relates to the issue you’re having.

I didn't receive an e-mail

Tip: Check your spam

Sometimes our e-mails end up in spam. Make sure to check your spam folder for e-mails from The Payments Association

Tip: Check “other” tabs

Most modern e-mail clients now separate e-mails into different tabs. For example, Outlook has an “Other” tab, and Gmail has tabs for different types of e-mails, such as promotional.

Tip: Click the link within 60 minutes

For security reasons the link will expire after 60 minutes. Try submitting the login form again and wait a few seconds for the e-mail to arrive.

Tip: Only click once

The link will only work one time – once it’s been clicked, the link won’t log you in again. Instead, you’ll need to go back to the login screen and generate a new link.

Tip: Delete old login e-mails

Make sure you’re clicking the link on the most recent e-mail that’s been sent to you. We recommend deleting the e-mail once you’ve clicked the link.

Tip: Check your security policies

Some security systems will automatically click on links in e-mails to check for phishing, malware, viruses and other malicious threats. If these have been clicked, it won’t work when you try to click on the link.

Need to change your e-mail address?

For security reasons, e-mail address changes can only be complete by your Member Engagement Manager. Please contact the team directly for further help.

Still got a question?