Welcome to the first edition of the The Payments Association’s Guide to Payment Account Providers. This is the first time that anyone in the UK has invited all providers to contribute to an independent, objective summary of providers.
The ‘industry’ is often criticised for not being open, for not having providers in certain sectors, certain payment schemes or accounts. This report clearly shows how far the industry has progressed and we, at the Payments Association, look forward to introducing other providers in due course.
In July 2019, UK Finance published Access to Payment Account Services, a Good Practice Guide which is an excellent summary of the regulatory and legal requirements together with good practice for providers. We fully support this best practice guide and see this guide as a complementary document showcasing the providers. The Payments Association will continue to work with UK Finance and other trade bodies to champion increased open access to accounts and payments within the UK.
We intend to update this document every six months to provide a live document to serve both our members and the wider community. Of course, if there are errors or omissions then please do let the Payments Association know at [email protected] and these will be updated in the next version.