The following resources are available to members to help them make informed decisions and to provide them with the knowledge needed to survive in the post pandemic world.
Weekly Threat Report 20th March 2020
Preventing Eavesdropping and Protecting Privacy on Virtual Meetings
Work From Home. Secure Your Business – GCA’s President and CEO, Philip Reitinger, explains some very simple steps you can take to stay safe while working or studying from home
Infosec Industry Shows Compassionate Side Amid COVID19 Pandemic
Download COVID-19 Critical Infrastructure Cyber Threat Brief – 4 May 2020
This report provides an overview of the main threats to critical infrastructure in the time of COVID-19 and analyses the changes in the risks to organisations in this sector that have come about as a result of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Download COVID-19 Cyber Situation Report – 23 March 2020
Free Cyber Safety Resources during COVID-19
Temenos Offers Customers Free Access to its Digital Learning Platform During the COVID-19 Crisis
Eversheds Sutherland free training (TBC).
Free Cyber Security & Computer Science Education for UK School Pupils
Minecraft to teach coding and other skills to kids stuck at home
Members may find the following technologies and service offerings useful while pandemic proofing their businesses.
We have called on the Payments Association members for their contributions (e.g. resources and expertise, services, payment holidays, fee reduction, delayed payment etc.) and have received the following examples. Members wishing to add to this list are welcome to send them to [email protected]
The Payments Association and its Community Members are currently offering the following support for the payments industry in the wake of the pandemic:
Payments Association member Chargebacks911 is offering chargeback management services to acquirers, PSPs and merchants: to help those in need, with no setup fee, month to month contracts, non-technical integrations, with a paid-on-performance model.
The Payments Association will become a referral partner for Chargebacks911, The Payments Association would ring-fence any funds that came from this and then use this to support crisis-related project implementation work.
As a response to COVID-19, Payments Association member Eazy Collect will waive the Eazy Collect Setup Fee, offer free onboarding (24 hour due diligence/KYC), waive the monthly fee for 6 months and discount the transaction fee applied for their Eazy Managed DD services. Eazy Managed DD services: standard non-branded service allowing SME to collect direct debit payments from customers whether for an interim basis for a simple fixed monthly ‘maintenance service continuity fee’ to keep their base service or amended service rolling or an adoption of a new service that the client may wish to quickly launch.
As a response to COVID-19, Payments Association member Eazy Collect would waive the Eazy Collect Setup Fee , offer free onboarding (48 hour due diligence/KYC), waive the monthly fee for 6 months and discount the transaction fee applied (based on a minimum estimate of transactions over 100 per month) for their Eazy Corporate DD services (as above, but fully branded with company/organisation name).
Payments Association member Eazy Collect will Provide Eazy Collect Service to collect direct debit or credit card donations for Payments Association’s chosen charitable Covid-19 beneficiary or selection of up to 3 charities (allowing donor to choose). Based on a joint promotion by Payments Association and Eazy Collect. Eazy Collect will absorb the Eazy Collect Setup fee to the Payments Association, absorb the onboarding fee, absorb the monthly fee for 12 months and apply a discounted fixed transaction fee. There would be an option at end of the pandemic period to continue with a donation option or close the account down.
Payments Association member W2 offers organisations it doesn’t currently work with who want to ensure their business continuity: zero integration fees, zero upfront costs, zero transaction commitments, zero cost 24/7 support and immediate access to its platform/services.
UK law enforcement is not recognising the fact that these small businesses are core financial services and (in many instances) forcing them to close. So Payments Association patron Choice International, whose technology allows 150 small money service businesses in the UK to enable consumers to send money internationally, especially Africa, is stepping in by underwriting the disputing of these fines in court as well as any potential confirmed fines. This will allow them to continue to service vulnerable people who are often financially excluded.
Payments Association Member BlueTrain offer to write entries for the Payments Association Awards at a 50% reduction in their normal fee.
Payments Association member Buguroo’s offer to provide to organisations concerned with fraud related to Covid-19 and that are not currently customers: zero integration fees, zero upfront costs, zero transaction commitments, zero cost 24/7 support and immediate access to their platform until June 30th 2020.
Payments Association Member K&L Gates have launched a “Responding to COVID-9 Resource Centre”.
The Payments Association
St Clement’s House
27 Clements Lane
London EC4N 7AE
© Copyright 2024 The Payments Association. All Rights Reserved. The Payments Association is the trading name of Emerging Payments Ventures Limited.
Emerging Ventures Limited t/a The Payments Association; Registered in England and Wales, Company Number 06672728; VAT no. 938829859; Registered office address St. Clement’s House, 27 Clements Lane, London, England, EC4N 7AE.
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