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Trust Payments partners with Zip for Buy Now, Pay Later

Trust Payments, the global unified payments group, has partnered with Zip, the first Buy Now, Pay Later provider to join its network of payment partners. The agreement means UK merchants using Trust Payments’ platform can offer Zip at check out and allow customers to pay over four interest-free instalments.

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Rethink the Ordinary With Advanced Payment Solutions

Most consumers are more than aware of basic payment solutions, especially after the pandemic struck their lives and their usual means of payment. Even before the new normal, many consumers were familiar with e-commerce and therefore, businesses were already used to accepting online payments on their websites or their apps. If these payments seemed pretty straightforward for consumers, technology now allows for more streamlined payment solutions that make it easier to take online payments on your website.

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PPS and Talenom join forces to provide banking software with accounting services

PPS are the payments and banking provider behind Talenom’s new banking service for SMEs. This partnership will enable financial services to be embedded into Talenom’s emerging SME solution ‘Accounting Alex’.
As a result of working with PPS, small businesses that use Talenom’s ‘Accounting Alex’ service will now be able to set up a bank account in minutes and enable savings on fees by more than 50%.

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The need for a new kind of fraud defence
– What we mean by Active Defence
– The problem Active Defence solves: Identity attacks and manipulation attacks
– Three capabilities to avert any ID attack

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New Report Reveals both Risk and Opportunity in Chargeback Space

The new 2021 Chargeback Field Report, published by Chargebacks911, reveals that Covid-19 had a significant impact on the payments space. However, many of the trends observed were already underway years before the pandemic struck. There are opportunities for merchants—and other entities in the payments space—to improve procedures and eliminate risk. However, this will take a significant effort.

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PayAlly, the fully integrated payments ecosystem for SMEs is using Banking Circle solutions to improve its multi-currency B2B cross border payments services. In particular, the new partnership gives PayAlly access to a wider choice of payment rails through the Banking Circle super-correspondent banking network, thereby improving the speed and cost of international payments for its e-commerce customers.

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8 out of 10 merchants have seen an increase in friendly fraud, according to the 2021 Chargebacks911 Field Report

The latest piece of groundbreaking industry research from dispute resolution specialist Chargebacks911, The 2021 Chargeback Field Report assessed over 400 merchants across the US and the UK and identified a dramatic rise in friendly fraud over the past three years, with 80% of merchants seeing an increase in false claims.

In addition, while 94% of merchants consider friendly fraud to be a problem for their business, less than 30% are taking steps to combat it. This behaviour indicates that there is a knowledge gap preventing merchants from confidently combating fraudulently filed chargebacks.

Other headline stats include:
• 68% of merchants have seen the pandemic cause an increase to their chargebacks
• Nearly a third of merchants experience difficulties contesting illegitimate chargebacks
• And for every friendly fraud case that goes uncontested, 50% of cardholders will go on to commit the crime again in less than 60 days

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Specialist data reconciliation and reporting platform, Kani Payments, has partnered with the world’s largest Quality of Life services company, Sodexo Engage

Kani will replace Sodexo Engage’s legacy data management systems which ran manually, becoming a drain on time, money, and resources, and lacking the scale required to handle the sheer volume of data processed by the engagement payments giant. In doing so, Kani will simplify Sodexo Engage’s complex transaction data and provide a single space for data management. In addition, the platform will provide real-time, actionable data insights that allow for Sodexo’s critical business decisions to be implemented faster and with greater efficiency.

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Currencycloud Superhero Spotlight Series | 7-11 June

We are really excited to shine the spotlight on some of the best-known brands in #Fintech during our Superhero Spotlight Series.

A week-long event packed with articles, research reports and LinkedIn and YouTube live streamed interviews with over 30 of Fintech’s finest superheroes.

Register for the agenda: and keep an eye out for reminders of the #livestream sessions.

#Payments #Banking #FintechSuperhero

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Buy vs. Build: the Million-Euro SCA Question

“Should we build in, or should we buy in?” This is one of the oldest software-questions management teams have to answer. Yet we believe that this should be less of a consideration regarding whether or not an organisation can build something. Rather, the right question is why they should build it.

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Reviewing Access Control Server Integration for SCA

In order to receive 3D Secure messages, process said messages, and authenticate card users, issuing banks must deploy Access Control Servers (ACS). To ensure that transaction integrity is never compromised, the Okay software works in parallel to prevent attacks and protect user information during confidential transactions. The process looks a little something like this:

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Mobile: Payments’ New Best Friend

Join us in this insightful webinar, with a range of experts in the mobile payments, cards and risk space, to learn how payments are changing, and how mobile applications can help strengthen authentication and improve your customer experience – all at the same time.

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How Okay Can Help with PSD2 RTS SCA Compliance

Compliance, requirements, deadlines, oh my! By now you should have a comprehensive overview of what to be aware of as PSP. As such, it is time to wrap up the topic of SCA compliance. In this article, we cover how Okay uses security evaluations to fine-tune our product as well as how we can help you meet SCA PSD2 RTS compliance standards.

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Understanding PSD2 RTS SCA Compliance

Compliance. A scary term for any payment service provider (PSP) in a world of increasingly stricter regulations and requirements. To make it a little less scary, we are opening the PSD2 RTS Compliance door to extract some key points of interest. Read on for the fundamental requirements PSPs should be aware of if issuing cards or e-money payments and why said requirements are necessary.

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How Virtual IBANs Enhance the Growth of B2B Cross-Border E-commerce Businesses

One of the more vexing problems of the modern age when it comes to international business is that regulatory regimes often do not keep pace with technological innovation.

Nonetheless, novel solutions to B2B cross-border business have emerged in the form of virtual IBANs, financial instruments that drive the innovation economy and enable new, powerful business models.

Here we have outlined three ways that virtual IBANs are transforming the way companies do business locally and abroad:

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KYC Done Right Means Competitiveness and Business Growth

When it comes to digital banking and compliance, robust KYC practices not only prevent fraud and financial losses but also strengthen a firm’s ability to conduct business with confidence.

This is typically because of the four key elements of strong KYC practices that make sure firms know who they’re doing business with and what to expect from that relationship.

We’ve identified the four essential elements of effective compliance in KYC practices for digital banking in order to show you how they help improve the competitiveness of businesses of any size or scale:

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Driving Forces and Technology Trends Behind Fintech Innovations in 2021

The year 2020 saw many of the innovations and prognostications of analysts come true as contactless payments and digital banking solutions drove the field of Fintech innovations. Looking ahead, however, 2021 could be the year that consolidates much of this growth and prepares the economy for the next stage of digitization.

We at Monneo have identified five major trends that we think are driving the Fintech innovations in digital banking, in 2021 and beyond:

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The New Era of Custom Business Payment Solutions and the Impact on Digital Banking Services

The digital banking era is upending traditional payment solutions and transforming the global financial industry in the process. And this is on both the corporate and consumer level with changes in payments solutions reaching into every facet of the international economy.

These innovations in digital banking are not only enabling increased efficiencies and expediting capital flows at a rate previously unthinkable but also are leading the way in changing the dynamic and level of depth of the business-customer relationship.

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Re-enrollment, Customer Onboarding and Magic Links

The reason why re-enrollment is so sensitive is simple: when you do an app-based strong customer authentication (SCA), the user has already been authenticated on the device. This means that it is possible to check the ‘possession’ factor using a device fingerprint from before.

If a customer has a new device, and has an existing device registered to their account, we recommend using SCA to enroll. A typical way to do this would be to use a QR code that the user can scan from one device to another. In the case where there are no existing devices linked to an account, we recommend that the customer go through a full “know your customer” (KYC) procedure in order to re-enroll their new device.

One of the ways we’ve helped our customers strengthen their re-enrollment process is to implement a mechanism known as ‘magic link’. A magic link is a link received through a semi-secure channel that authorises the customer to use a particular device. Using a link like this can be practical, as the re-enrollment procedure might be stretched out over time.

Interested in hearing more about Magic Links? Be sure to read the full article at

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COVID-19: How PPS overcame the challenges of a pandemic through a seamless HR strategy  

Over the course of the pandemic, PPS’ HR Director, Corinne Williams, has worked tirelessly to deploy a pioneering strategy to ensure the safety of the company’s 250 strong workforce over the last year, with various processes in place to roll out homeworking through tailored kits and a top-class well-being programme. All of this to ultimately continue to maintain its high level of operations for some of today’s leading brands that are changing the face of financial services as we know it.

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What Makes Successful Businesses Thrive in the E-commerce Space, Too?

The recipe for success in the e-commerce business is much the same as any other entrepreneurial endeavor except it comes with many opportunities for growth and leverage that physical businesses don’t have.

Online business may be the future of many markets, and for good reason. From scalability of immediately needed resources to cost-effective innovation and optimization, we have identified five key elements of success for e-commerce business in the modern age:

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How to Secure Your E-commerce Business Against Cybercrime and Cyber Threats?

E-commerce businesses can’t put enough of a premium on online cybersecurity and protection against threats. Not only can malicious actors steal data and commit fraud, but they can also completely undermine a customer’s confidence in your business.

To avoid costly fraud and cyber threats, we’ve found five primary areas of focus that e-commerce businesses need to keep in mind as they move forward in the online market:

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Strong Customer Authentication or SCA: is Europe 3D secure (2.0)-Ready?

As part of a European Union mandate called the Revised Directive on Payment Services, or (PSD2), merchants operating in the EU economic zone must use payment service providers within the European Economic Area that offer what is known as strong customer authentication.

This is also sometimes referred to as the SCA requirement or the PSD2 compliance. In essence, this directive ensures that transactions occurring within the EU’s economic territories make use of multi-factor authentication in order to verify a buyer’s identity.

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Challenges and Opportunities Borne by the European Single Digital Market

The promises of the European Union single market, while not full borne out in the reality of the business world, where the same are actually still far from the dream promised when it comes to the virtual single market. What does this mean?

In other words, the European Union might act as a single market when it comes to monetary issues and beyond, but the EU single digital market is hampered and its growth restricted by a myriad of factors including various compliance regimes and the logistical mastery needed to make it all work.

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Tip: Check “other” tabs

Most modern e-mail clients now separate e-mails into different tabs. For example, Outlook has an “Other” tab, and Gmail has tabs for different types of e-mails, such as promotional.

Tip: Click the link within 60 minutes

For security reasons the link will expire after 60 minutes. Try submitting the login form again and wait a few seconds for the e-mail to arrive.

Tip: Only click once

The link will only work one time – once it’s been clicked, the link won’t log you in again. Instead, you’ll need to go back to the login screen and generate a new link.

Tip: Delete old login e-mails

Make sure you’re clicking the link on the most recent e-mail that’s been sent to you. We recommend deleting the e-mail once you’ve clicked the link.

Tip: Check your security policies

Some security systems will automatically click on links in e-mails to check for phishing, malware, viruses and other malicious threats. If these have been clicked, it won’t work when you try to click on the link.

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