Open banking: Transforming user experience in financial services

by Lasma Kuhtarska, co-founder & chief strategy officer at Noda

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User experience (UX) is crucial for maintaining customer loyalty and satisfaction. A study by PWC found that 32% of customers would leave a brand they loved after just one bad experience, highlighting the critical need for seamless user interactions. 

Forrester Research underscores the importance of UX, noting that effective UX design can increase conversion rates by up to 400%. Despite this, a CEI survey reveals that only 1% of e-commerce users feel that websites consistently meet their expectations, signalling a vast area for improvement. Open banking emerges as a powerful solution to enhance UX by simplifying financial transactions and integrating various accounts more seamlessly. 

Exploring user experience and user interface

UX encompasses all aspects of end-user interaction with the company, its services, and its products. UX design aims to create easy, efficient, satisfying, and all-around pleasant experiences for the user. 

Conversely, the User Interface (UI) is the point of human-computer interaction and communication in a device, software, or application. It involves transferring information through various devices and platforms, including the design elements users interact with, such as screens, pages, and sounds. 

UI is a crucial component of UX and focuses specifically on the user’s visual experience, which directly impacts the effectiveness of the UX. 

Integrating open banking to enhance UX

Introduced by the PSD2 regulation in the EU, open banking compels banks to share consumer banking data with third-party providers via secure Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). This initiative breaks down the banks’ data monopolies and encourages innovative financial services that can offer superior UX. 

Businesses will struggle unless they harness the capabilities of open banking to enhance the user experience across financial platforms. Additionally, complex financial ecosystems must be transformed into user-friendly environments that not only meet but exceed customer expectations.

Practical benefits of open banking in enhancing UX

  • Simplified account management: Open banking allows users to consolidate various financial accounts into a single interface, significantly simplifying management and monitoring. 
  • Enhanced payment processes: Open banking facilitates real-time transactions, reducing the delay typically experienced in traditional payment methods. 
  • Customised financial services: Access to comprehensive financial data enables businesses to offer personalised services, improving customer satisfaction and engagement. 

Future prospects: Open finance and beyond

The concept of open banking is anticipated to evolve into open finance, which will expand data-sharing principles to encompass a broader range of financial products and services. This progression promises to refine UX by providing more comprehensive financial insights and services.

Innovative technologies in open banking give us the ability to improve transactional efficiency and customer interaction significantly. Businesses must leverage these technologies to deliver exceptional and secure user experiences.

Open banking represents a transformative shift in the financial services industry, aimed at improving how businesses interact with their financial data and how customers experience financial services. As the industry evolves, open banking integration is expected to become critical in designing user-centric financial services, promising a future where financial management is more integrated, intuitive, and responsive to user needs. 


Article by Noda

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