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FIS launched Global Banking Perspectives, our international client conference, in Dubai in 2011. Over the last six years, event attendance has grown exponentially, reaching more than 400 clients at this year’s conference in Rome. Clients who attend have told us that, although they value the conference’s thought leadership and networking opportunities, it is sometimes difficult to attend because of scheduling difficulties and the cost of international travel. FIS has heard your concerns, and this year we have a solution.
FIS is pleased to announce that in 2017, we are introducing a new format for our international client conferences that brings the conferences closer to you. In 2017, we are organizing one-day conferences in six cities around the world:
- Dubai – 10 May
- Stockholm – May (TBC)
- Frankfurt – 22 June
- London – 29 June
- Manila – 13 July
- Sydney – 24 August
The conferences will deliver the same insightful content you value, but in a format and at a location that make it easier to attend. Look for additional details about how to register for these events in the coming weeks, and we look forward to seeing you at one of our conferences.
Additionally, for those clients who prefer to participate in a conference with a longer, three-day format, we would be delighted to welcome you to FIS Connect 2017 in Orlando, Florida where we offer a comprehensive and detailed agenda that offers a broad and deep immersion into the best that FIS has to offer. FIS Connect 2017, scheduled for April 10 – 13 at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center in Kissimmee, Florida. You have until March 16 to take advantage of a special hotel rate and our $100 registration fee discount. Visit the FIS Connect 2017 website to learn more about our US conference fees, hotel accommodation and the agenda.
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