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The Summer of Payments series brings you everything you’d ever want to know about UK, EU & card payment schemes as well as the latest and greatest in payments technology in five 30 minute entertaining doses.
The five week series will take place very Tuesday from 7 July – 4 August, from 09:30 – 10:00 am.
Each session will feature 3 parts:
- Quickfire Context: Learn about (nearly) everything you need to know in payments
- Fireside Scoop: Get the latest tech demos in payments from certified Modulr legends
- Quiz the Guest: Ask how a payments expert would go about solving your specific payment problem
Below is the schedule of events, and more details on each can be found on the landing page.
- The three steps to payments supremacy: Automate, embed and launch (7 July)
- UK Payments: Everything you need to know to build a successful business (14 July)
- One or a million payments: How to choose an infrastructure that grows as you do (21 July)
- Understand the confusing world of card payments and save money (28 July)
- EU Payments: Everything you need to know to build a successful business (4 August)
Guests can register to attend here: https://landing.modulrfinance.com/summer-of-payments-ms