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SMEs are poorly served by banks today, certainly in payment services, foreign exchange and
hedging. Form3 is helping SMEs, via their Financial Institution providers gain simple access to global payment services to help them optimise supply chains and better serve their clients.
Form3 is providing a one of a kind access to multiple-scheme payment gateways and the full suite of cross border capabilities through its cloud-native payments platform.
Financial Institution providers in the SME space will be able to deliver services that traditionally only global institutions could offer to their corporate customers.
SMEs will receive a far better service at lower cost, fully integrated with their Business Account provider.
Customers benefit from:
- Scheme connectivity and processing for UK FPS, Bacs, Euro SPayments Association and SWIFT payment schemes with no hardware or software required by our customers.
- Access to advanced international payment, FX spot, FX forward and Trade finance capabilities for your SME and consumer customers.
- Fast implementation and service delivery
- Best in class technology, born in the cloud with highest level of security with AWS
- Form3 removes the technology and engineering burden so businesses can focus on delivering enhanced customer propositions and an improved experience.
For more information about Form3’s International payments offering contact [email protected]