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Leading corporate prepaid payment provider selects Banking Circle for corporate accounts and clients’ funds safeguarding services

B4B Payments, a leading global prepaid payments provider, has selected Banking Circle to provide payments infrastructure for its corporate banking services. Providing prepaid solutions to businesses for more than 15 years, FCA authorised B4B enables organisations of any size to manage expenses, simplify payroll, reimbursements, and offer employee rewards and incentives.

As a leader in FinTech and prepaid business payments and voted the Best Prepaid Product of the Year in 2019, the new partnership with Banking Circle will enable B4B Payments to offer innovative, flexible, and time-saving solutions that streamline and eliminate antiquated finance and accounting processes. Initially Banking Circle will provide virtual IBAN accounts for B4B clients as well as safeguarding services.

Banking Circle Virtual IBAN gives financial institutions such as B4B the ability to issue virtual IBANs in their customers’ names in a way that traditional banks would simply not facilitate due to risk and legacy systems limitations. It is a genuine game-changer for the payments marketplace.

The future vision of the two companies’ collaboration includes utilising Banking Circle’s multi-currency accounts, SPayments Association and SWIFT transactions solutions and foreign exchange (FX) capabilities. By making payments ‘feel local’, Banking Circle will be removing the need for B4B to have a physical presence in each country in which its customers operate, yet deliver payment costs comparable to those of local banks in the region.

B4B CEO and co-founder, Paul Swinton said, “Banking Circle is changing the dynamics of the global payments ecosystem. It is doing the heavy lifting for businesses like ours by establishing a super-correspondent banking network that will deliver fast and cost-effective solutions for our clients. We therefore see our partnership as integral to our ambitious development plans.”

Anders la Cour, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Banking Circle added: “The diverse customer base of B4B requires flexibility and adaptability to serve their needs and we are delighted to be able to provide payments infrastructure to underpin that service. Our mission at Banking Circle is to tackle the legacy of high cost and slow international payments and B4B is another business that has seen the value we can add to their proposition.”

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